Monday, July 6, 2020
FenwayNation POLL: 7 In 10 Think Red Sox Will Be AT Or UNDER .500
Early voting in our latest FenwayNation POLL shows that fully seven in ten readers think the 2020 Red Sox will finish with either a .500 record or worse. As the chart shows, the plurality (48%) think Boston will get about 30 wins (.500) in the truncated, 60-game 2020 season. Another 22% believe that The Carmine Hose will underperform that break-even mark—getting fewer than 30 wins. Thus, a combined total of 70% think the team will be .500 or less. Having said that, a fairly substantial three readers out of ten (30%) think the team will reach the 40-win plateau—which translates to a "devilish" .666 winning percentage. Nobody in the poll believes the Sox will do better than the 40-win range. You can still vote in the poll HERE.