Friday, January 4, 2019
POLL: Plurality Would Be Only 'Somewhat Satisfied' With Kimbrel's Return
Early voting in our latest FenwayNation Poll shows that most readers (42%) would be only "somewhat satisfied" with a return of Craig Kimbrel to Boston's closer role—even at a "reasonable price". As the chart shows, another one-third of our reader sample (33%) would be "very satisfied" if the red-bearded-one was again closing out games for The Carmine Hose. So, in total, three-quarters (75%) express some degree of satisfaction with the idea of getting Kimbrel back. On the flip side, in total, 25% express some degree of dissatisfaction with Boston getting its old 9th-inning guy back—13% "not really that satisfied" and another 12% "not satisfied at all". You can still vote in the poll HERE.