Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Red Sox Submit Plans To "Renovate" Bleacher Area And Open Function Room
Never one to sit on his multi-billion dollar laurels, Red Sox principal owner John Henry is doing more tinkering to the oldest ballpark in baseball. In a move that is characterized as improving the bleacher experience, the plans call for so-called upgrades that include "a new area connected to the back of the ballpark’s bleachers that will feature concession stands, restrooms, and other elements designed to enhance the fan experience in the bleachers." Wow, think of it, shorter lines to the john for all those bleacher creatures. The proposals, sent yesterday to the city's Boston Planning & Development Agency also call for a new "function room" with "sweeping views" of America's Most Cramped Ballpark. There's also more specific information on a new 5,000-seat Fenway Theatre just outside the park at the juncture of Lansdowne and Ipswich streets. Of course, all of this breathlessly exciting information is coming from The Boston Globe—which Henry also owns.