(Getty Images) |
According to a "rival" baseball executive, it's been well understood for a while now that
Manny Machado—late of the Baltimore Orioles—
had a strong desire to remain in the American League East. It's not too surprising that a talented player like Machado would want to stay in the best division in baseball—and one that he knows very well. The
surprise comes regarding his new team preferences: either
The Bronx Embalmers (where he will probably end up) and (hold on to your 2018 World Series Championship hats) the Red Sox! Said the MLB executive:
"I think he ends up in New York. He wanted to be with the Yankees or Red Sox. We’ve known that for a while. And it’s not going to be Boston." No kidding! After his spectacular run-ins with
The Carmine Hose (spiking
Dustin Pedroia in 2017, running over
Steve Pearce's foot in 2018), you'd
think Boston would be the
last place he'd want to land. But, apparently, he is just
another inscrutable "Manny being Manny".