Tuesday, October 2, 2018
New World Series Graphics Show Champion Players For Each Playoff Team
New artwork by Matt Burt of Versus Reviews displays the names of all the World Series Championship players for the ten teams currently in the playoffs—arranged to form the skyline of the team’s city. Underneath this are the names of their 2018 40-man roster. So, in the case of the Red Sox, players as diverse as Babe Ruth and Daniel Nava make up our "championship skyline". Also displayed are the years that The Carmine Hose won it all—1903, 1912, 1915, 1916, 1918, 2004, 2007 and 2013. There's similar artwork for the other nine teams in the playoffs (the Yankees, Cubs, Athletics, Indians, Braves, Brewers, Astros, Rockies and Dodgers). Interestingly, of those teams depicted—who are currently in the post-season tournament (as Bill Parcells liked to say)—the Red Sox have the third highest number of World Series Championships (8)—behind New York and Oakland. The only teams in the post-season without a World Series ring are the Rockies and the Brewers. You can view the full complement of graphics HERE.