Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Manny Machado Polishes Up His Yankee Resume For Pending Free Agency
Well known for his dirty play (remember the "spikes-up" injury to Dustin Pedroia?), Dodger shortstop Manny Machado has enhanced his cretinous reputation during this year's National League Championship Series. So far, he has intentionally grabbed at the arms or legs of two defenders at second base who were attempting to turn a double play—and last night, he deliberately tried to trip Milwaukee first-baseman Jesus Aguilar on a close play at first base. The supremely-talented, 26-year-old Machado will be a free agent this Winter. His bully-like play will certainly qualify him for a long stint with The Bronx Embalmers—after all, he fits right in to their team narrative. Financially, he may not have helped his case to get $250-$300 million in free agency, though—by admitting that hustling on the field is not his "cup of tea". Really? Again, perfect for The Pinstriped Posers. They can have him.