Friday, October 26, 2018
Curse Of The GOOGLE?: Don't Count Your WS Trophies Before They Hatch!
Those of us old enough to remember the horrors of the pre-2004 Red Sox era just cringe at the abject stupidity of GOOGLE's 'World Series' search results. The eagle-eyed folks at WBZ/CBS Boston tracked this down: If you type "Red Sox World Series Championships" into a GOOGLE search box, you get the correct listings of 1903, 1912, 1915, 1916, 1918, 2004, 2007 and 2013. However, you also get a listing for the yet-to-be-captured 2018 championship! How can this happen? Doesn't GOOGLE realize the negative mojo hex they just put on The Carmine Hose? Sure, in excess of 80% of all MLB trams who have a 2-0 World Series lead go on to win The Fall Classic. But now, if we lose this thing, we will forever blame some Millennial jerk at GOOGLE's Mountain View, CA headquarters who knows jack-squat about baseball or curses. He will be our Steve Bartman. Thanks a lot, meathead!