Tuesday, August 14, 2018
The Red Sox Are Back In Boston On Thursday, Start Locating Parking Now
On Thursday, the Red Sox are back in town to face the mighty Tampa Bay 'Devil' Rays (why did they ever drop that cool name?). And, while the Commonwealth Avenue reconstruction project (AKA Damnation Alley) is "finished", fans will still have one major headache going to games at Fenway Park: parking. There's the reduction in legal meters in Boston, Brookline's near-total, politically-correct ban on parking period, and the general nightmare of getting around the Fenway area at all in the best of times. But, by using ParkWhiz, you can find affordable, safe, convenient parking close by the ballpark. Just click on the link and locate the best parking spot for you—and "Entering Boston" won't be the hassle it usually is. You'll need to keep your wits about you, set your mind on pennant thoughts and avoid the Town of Brookline Parking Politburo. Do It! Play ball! CLICK HERE.