Thursday, August 2, 2018
Standing Room Seats For Tonight's Sox-Yankee Bout Starting At Around $80
It looks like this "rivalry" thing is back on. According to multiple ticket re-sale sites, the starting price to just stand around at Fenway Park tonight is about $87. If you want to sit, that's a little more pricey. A seat in ROW3 of the EMC Club will set you back $604—so, if you bring a companion, that's $1,208. Some beers, parking, a few Fenway Franks and some popcorn—and your pushing $2,000 for the privilege of watching Brian Johnson face-off against The Bronx Embalmers. Luckily, your loyal scribes here at FenwayNation will be in attendance tonight—with regularly-priced ducats in hand. Apparently, all that talk about nobody liking baseball anymore is just that—talk. From the CHB.