(Getty Images) |
This Spring,
Hanley Ramirez is laying down a marker: he expects to
excel in 2018. He claims he's not concerned about the innings threshold that would kick-in a another huge contract obligation next year. He says he just wants to win. He also thinks that
his 23 HRs last season (using "one arm") will easily translate into 30 or more now that he's fully healthy. This type of confidence is a good thing—especially for an exceptionally-gifted athlete like Hanley. After all, his
career numbers are impressive—.291 average, 263 HRs, .852 OPS. The problem is, in his 387 games in
Carmine Hose he's hit a mere .260 with 72 HRs and a .784 OPS. In his seven years as a Marlin he hit .300, in three years playing home games at
Chavez Ravine, he hit .299. Consistency has been his hallmark—
except in Boston. Maybe his boasting will actually translate into that breakthrough year as a member of the Red Sox. We can only hope.