Friday, December 8, 2017
Cora "Embarrassed" By Expletive Outburst In Houston
New Red Sox manager Alex Cora addressed his behavior last August during an expletive-filled tirade against a Houston broadcaster and his own manager A.J. Hinch. Appearing on WEEI with Rob Bradford, Cora stated that he was "embarrassed" by the incident and "learned from it". And, what exactly did he learn? "The one thing I really learned from it is that isn't the right way. Like I told the people involved, the Cora family will be very embarrassed by me doing that the way I did it." The incident occurred on the Astro team bus when broadcaster (and former MLB Player) Geoff Blum asked Cora to turn down his music. Cora (who reportedly had been drinking) went after Blum and then later turned his ire on Hinch. It will be interesting to see if the fallout from this incident lingers and has any impact on how Cora relates to Red Sox players, management and media.