Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Gotham Media Petrified That Stanton Could Go To Sox
Nothing scares the media hordes in Baghdad-On-The-Hudson more than the idea of Giancarlo Stanton landing in Boston. This scenario is all the scarier when they consider that a Yankee icon could facilitate that deal. Derek Jeter—as owner and chief baseball honcho of the Miami Marlins—needs to unload as much of Stanton's burdensome $295 million contract as possible. The Red Sox are one of the few teams that could swallow a big chunk of that salary—and also also offer attractive enough players/prospects to complete the deal. NJ.com's Joe Giglio is virtually apoplectic about this eventuality, stating: "It [the Stanton deal] would also put Jeter in position to help out the Red Sox and hurt the Yankees in his first real transaction." Heaven forfend!