E-I-C With His Favorite Obstruction |
Thanks to a great suggestion by the
wife of
FenwayNation's Editor-In-Chief, we are announcing the
"2017 Show Us Your Favorite Fenway Park Obstruction Contest". Inspired by the E-I-C's posting of
his favorite obstruction (which completely obscures
Dustin Pedroia from his view in Section 25), we are asking our readers to submit a pic of themselves with their favorite obstruction. We will select
two winners from the submissions. The
Grand Prize Winner will get a 6-DVD set of
'The Essential Games Of Fenway Park' (historic games from 1967, 1975, 1986, 1999 and 2007). The
Second Prize Winner will receive the DVD,
'Fall Classic At Fenway Park' (highlights of the both 2004 and 2007 World Series). You can email your "Favorite Fenway Obstruction" photos