"Top" Ten |
Do you want the good news or the bad news? OK, first the
bad news:
the Red Sox are the second most-hated team in all of baseball. Now, the
good news: the Yankees are—hands down—the
most hated. A new on-line poll commissioned by
FiveThrityEight.com asked 989 self-described baseball fans to rate the 30 MLB teams on a range of measures. More good news for the Red Sox: they are the
fourth "most liked" team (+28-point net favorability)—behind only the Cubbies (+53), Cardinals (+31) and Royals (+30). But it's on the
"Hate-O-Meter" that
The Bronx Embalmers really surge into the lead. Fully 27% list
The Pinstriped Posers are their "least-favorite" team—with the Red Sox a far distant second at just 10%.
Clearly not "fake news".