(USATSI Photo) |
MLB Umpire
John Tumpane was heading back to his Pittsburgh hotel Wednesday afternoon when he noticed a woman climbing over the railing of the
Roberto Clemente Bridge. The Allegheny River lay far below. Tumpane approached the woman and asked her what was going on. She replied,
"I just wanted to get a better look of the city from this side." As he tried to hook his arms around hers, the upm responded,
"Oh no. You don’t want to do that. It’s just as good over here. Let’s go grab some lunch and talk." The woman responded,
"No, no, no, I’m better off on this side. Just let me go." Hanging on to the woman, Tumpane went on,
"I’m not going to let you go. Let’s talk this out. We’ll get you back over here." The woman then kept repeating,
"No one wants to help me. Just let me go. You’ll forget me tomorrow." Tumpane then made his next statement very clear,
"I’ll never forget you, You can have my promise on that." Paramedics and police arrived and the woman was rescued—now in a Pittsburgh hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Before he leaves town today, Tumpane plans to visit her and let her know she hasn't been forgotten.