Thursday, April 27, 2017
Theo Epstein Admits: 'I Still Root For The Red Sox'
Former Red Sox GM Theo Epstein—arriving at Fenway this weekend with his World Series Champion Cubbies—still has a soft spot for Boston. After all, he grew up here—at least to the small degree that The People's Republic Of Brookline can be representative of the area. In an interview on 98.5's The Baseball Reporters, Epstein waxed nostalgic, "I still consider myself on great terms with the Red Sox. I still root for the Red Sox. I’m really looking forward to this weekend. I’m still a Bostonian, with a new home in Chicago. You can’t ever separate yourself from the team you grew up rooting for, and I spent a decade of my life there." It will be interesting to see what type of reception he gets at Fenway Park. It should be overwhelmingly positive.