Friday, January 6, 2017
A-Rod Won't Return To Play In 2017—Like Anyone Cares
A big name announced yesterday that he will not be returning to play major league baseball in 2017. David Ortiz again, you query? No, it's just Alex Rodriguez (AKA His Irrelevancy). In classic Centaur form, A-Fraud's spokes-flak actually stated this, "Alex is enjoying his time off and looking forward to heading to spring training to work with the young guys as he has said all along." What, is he going to tutor the youngsters on the Yankee Needle Exchange Program? Poor Brian Cashman. He had to pretend like the door was still open to The Fraudulent One, saying, "He's certainly invited to participate in spring training. But Alex is also free to do as he pleases, if he wants to try and keep playing." Yeah, right. Ah, The Evil Ones, a never-ending source of schadenfreude.