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How many times does the poor guy have to say it? Red Sox legend
David Ortiz is
done. His feet have tormented him for
years, and—at age 40—he simply can't take the punishment of the MLB travel schedule.
Let him be! But, nooooooo,
Buster Olney just can't resist fueling the
silly speculation that Big Papi still might, just might return after his epic final season. Olney points out that Ortiz blows away the field in terms of final season rankings by
Hall Of Fame players. His 5.1 WAR is #1 all-time—only
Roberto Clemente at a 4.8 WAR is even close (but, of course, he tragically died in a plane crash at the peak of his career). But
come on, why torture the guy with this stuff? His health and his family are more important than strapping it on one more time.