Another Grand Indian Fan Tradition |
A young woman from Lowell, Massachusetts
experienced ugly heckling at Game Two of the ALDS at Cleveland's Progressive Field.
Brittany Broderick told
FOX25 News that a group of male Indians fans behind her viciously heckled her and her two female companions throughout the game. Broderick had driven 11 hours to catch the Sox in the playoffs, and had to endure cretinous behavior like spilling beer on her, hurling personal insults about her appearance and sexual orientation and comments like
"FU** Boston" and
"screw you, ChowdaHeads." They even trafficked in ethnic slurs, at one point yelling that
David Ortiz should "
take his fat lazy ass back to the Dominican Republic where he came from." Broderick sent a letter to the Indians outlining the fan behavior and asking for a refund. Apparently, there is good reason for Cleveland being called
"The Mistake By The Lake".