Heir-(Loom) Jordan |
this day and age, anyone who does the right thing should be nominated for sainthood. One such person
may just be
Rob Jordan of Portland, Maine. On Monday night, when
David Ortiz clouted his 536th career HR (tying Yankee legend
Mickey Mantle).
Jordan caught the Papi Projectile as he paused to look up the ramp on a beer run,
"Just as we get to the top of the ramp we hear the crack of the bat. I saw the ball at its peak and I knew it was coming right toward me so I just positioned myself, and after that one hop (it) went right to my chest. I was able to snag it. So we go bananas. We go nuts." No kidding! Anyway, Jordan let it be known that he wanted no money for the historic ball—which is estimated to have a $1,000 value. When Red Sox representatives approached him for the souvenir, he asked to simply meet Big Papi. They said 'no', so he said 'OK, I'll keep it'. Shortly, they returned and offered an Ortiz meeting. Jordan got the 'meet-and-greet' and an autographed Ortiz bat.
Donald Trump could not have negotiated any better!