Monday, July 25, 2016
After Tigers, Red Sox Head On A Ten-Game West Coaster
Savor these next three games at Fenway Park—after those, you won't see The Carmine Hose back home until August 9th. Boston heads out after Wednesday's matinee on a ten-game West Coast swing that takes them to Anaheim (3), Seattle (4) and Chavez Ravine (3). To stay reasonably close to the Orioles, the Red Sox need to take at least six of the ten. Of the group, only the Dodgers are real contenders this year, but West Coast trips (particularly long ones) have historically been nightmares for Boston. When they return to Fenway, they will face the Aroldis Chapman-free Evil Ones and the D'Backs before heading out on another 10-game trip (Baltimore, Detroit, Tampa). The end of July and all of August will be a critical test of whether this team can do something special this year. Oh, and did we mention another West Coast trip in September (6 games)?