Thursday, April 21, 2016
Red Sox Get Even More PC With 'Carbon Neutral' Game
Well, apropos of our recent post, the Red Sox (and, by extension, John Henry) are veering off into the stratosphere of "Goo-Goo Land" again. Today's 1:35 game will be (are you ready for this?) "carbon neutral". What the heck does baseball have to do this? Listen to this insufferably elitist explanation, "In order to achieve a zero carbon footprint for the game, the club will purchase renewable energy credits to offset all emissions generated from the game, including electric and gas consumption, waste disposal, and fan, employee, and player transportation." Not insufferable enough? How about this?: "Mayor Walsh will throw the ceremonial first pitch using a special planet earth baseball." That should be a special treat! Was Al Gore not available? Listen, the NOG (New Ownership Group) has every right to hold their political views—after all, we still do have a First Amendment (sort of). But do they have to blatantly foist their politically-correct views on their ticket-paying patrons? It's not even about whether we agree or disagree with them, it's the way they do this time and time again. By the way, could you please pass the organic kale?