Burchett With His Gifts |
Loyal readers of
FenwayNation know that we occasionally criticize the Red Sox ownership group—OK, maybe a
lot. However, we also believe there's a lot to
like about the NOG (not the least of which is three World Series Championships). Well, now we can place another item on the
positive side of the ledger—as the Red Sox made a grand gesture to a fan in need hundreds of miles from Fenway.
Jake Burchett of Appomattox, Virginia recently had the scare of a lifetime. A raging tornado ripped through his house, severely injuring Burchett. A paramedic needed to examine his extensive body wounds—and to do so,
she had to cut away his one and only Red Sox sweatshirt. While he was
obviously grateful for the medical attention, Burchett was a little bummed about the wrecked sweatshirt. The paramedic—
Jeannie O'Brien—took action and wrote to the Red Sox about Burchett's plight. No long after, Burchett got a package of goodies from Boston—including
multiple shirts, cups and even some Fenway Park dirt. Accompanying the haul was a
handwritten letter wishing him the best. Said Burchett,
"Once I get my house back I'm going to put the dirt up somewhere and I'm going to put that letter in a frame and put them up on my wall and of course the shirts I'll be wearing them." A good deed done, and a confirmed fan for life.