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Tony Phillips, an incredibly versatile "super-utility" player in the '80s and '90s passed away today at the far too young age of 56. Reportedly, he died of a heart attack. Phillips played for 18 seasons—with the Oakland A's, Angels, Tigers, White Sox, Mets and Blue Jays. He was a prolific on-base man—finishing with an incredible
career OBP of .374. In fact, in five seasons he posted an OBP
over .400. In 1993 and 1996, he led the American League in walks. Said former teammate (and Red Sox great)
Dennis Eckersley,
"I'll never forget him—he tossed the ball to me for that last out. We always had a connection." Phillips was—
astoundingly—never an All-Star. In today's game—with the premium placed on versatility—he would have been a
much more highly-valued ballplayer. May he rest in peace.