The Donald |
Just when you thought it was safe to turn your attention away from the nutty 2016 Presidential Campaign and focus on baseball,
this happens. Republican presidential front-runner
Donald Trump issued an odd threat (in a Tweet, of course) to the owners of the Chicago Cubs. Trump made reference to the Ricketts family
"secretly spending $'s against me". He then went on to offer this weird warning,
"They better be careful, they have a lot to hide!". Cubbie Chairman
Tom Ricketts responded to the media,
"Look, if we had something to hide, you guys would've found it by now, I'm sure." Ironically, back in the 2012 election cycle, members of the Ricketts family funded an anti-Obama super PAC called
Ending Spending. Of course, the Cubs owners have every right to support whatever political causes they choose—just as the indulgently self-righteous Red Sox owners do. Said Ricketts,
"We stand up for what we believe in. We support the causes that we think are important. That's what America should be." Yup—we couldn't have said it any better.