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Usually, lists of
"do's and don'ts" aren't worth the sarcasm they're written on. Occasionally, however, someone puts together a list that's actually useful—and matches reality. Such is the case with a wonderful article in the most recent
Business Insider by travel writer
Caroline Morse. In it, she warns visitors to Boston to
avoid doing 14 very specific things—any one of which will get you put on the next bus to Pittsburgh. The advisories range from transit-related (
'Don't assume the map of the T is related to actual geography') to sporting (
'Don't insult Boston sports teams and/or wear Yankees gear'). Others are just flat-out life-saving tips (
'Don't park in a reserved space in the snow'). Each and every one is essential if you plan to journey to our
'Athens Of America'—although my favorite is the most elemental:
'Don't try to imitate the accent'.