Thursday, July 30, 2015

Will The Sox Simply 'Stand Pat' At Deadline?

'Stand Pat' Gillick
Other than the Shane Victorino trade, will the Red Sox emulate former Blue Jays GM 'Stand Pat' Gillick and do nothing more before tomorrow's trade deadline? Cole Hamels and Johnny Cueto are off the table, and the Reds are apparently demanding way too much for the likes of Mike Leake. So, don't be surprised if the Boston brass start outlining the case for doing nothing more. They could argue that—since 2015 is down the toilet—we might as well go with as many kids as possible (positionally and in the starting rotation) and see which ones are truly ready for 2016. It's a plausible approach—but probably won't sit well with a fan base that's upping the 'boo-rate' with each new home loss.