Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Dumb Olympics Idea Festers At Fenway Park
As we have said before, in the realm of dumb ideas, bringing the 2024 Summer Olympics to Boston ranks right up there with marrying a Kardashian. Despite this obvious fact, a bevy of local pols and aging former Olympians (e.g., Nancy Kerrigan, Mike Eruzione) gathered at a Fenway Park watering hole yesterday to tout the plan. Boston Mayor Marty Walsh was there—and Governor Deval Patrick was supposed to attend but needed to clean out his sock drawer (smart move, Deval). The Blazing Paddles bar inside America's Most Cramped Ballpark was the venue for the gathering, at which Walsh actually said this: "It’s an opportunity for us to plan what the future of Boston will look like." Sure, it will look like one continuous traffic jam from dawn to dusk every day of the week from Newburyport to Plymouth! The taxpayer cost of this boondoggle (exclusive of the graft and corruption) is estimated to be around $20 billion (or, on the authoritative Big Dig Scale Of Actual Costs is probably more like $35 billion). Dear 'leaders': take a breath, and step back from the ledge.