Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Despite Dismal Season, NESN Rakes In Cash
There's a reason NESN was included in the deal that handed over the Red Sox to the NOG is 2002—it is and always has been a cash cow. Despite lower national ratings for baseball, regional sports networks like NESN are booming. In fact, Red Sox summertime telecasts routinely top the ratings market in Boston—beating all prime-time competitors. That's why you see so many annoying "drop-in" ads on Red Sox broadcasts and all that signage around the ballpark. And the beauty of it for the Sox owners is they can keep NESN a second-rate operation and still rake in the dough. For example, anyone who has the MLB package knows that every other regional sports network has some form of SuperSlowMo replay. But, not NESN! Sorry, no high-tech for you! NESN does pretty much everything on the cheap—including a lot of the "talent" we see on the peripheries. Oh, well, as long as John Henry can keep his little playthings (like dying local newspapers and foreign soccer teams), I guess it's OK.