(Jerry Jackson/Baltimore Sun)
Later on this evening, we may know
one of the participants in the 2014 World Series. With their
2-1 victory last night, the Kansas City Royals are one win away from eliminating the AL East Champion Baltimore Orioles. This
Mid-American Magical Mystery Tour has been highlighted by speed, timely hitting and a steel-vault bullpen. The Orioles seem snake-bitten by a fundamentally-sound National League brand of baseball they can't really deal with. Last night, the Kansas City RBIs came on a ground-out and a sacrifice fly—extending their post-season winning streak to ten. Baltimore's first-baseman
Steve Pearce described his team's dilemma thusly, '
'It's hard to take advantage of mistakes when they're not making any.'' Indeed. So, the Birds and their fans face a 3-0 hole in the ALCS. Heaven knows, we can relate.