Thursday, October 9, 2014
2014 ALCS Ticket Prices Are Far Below 2013
Thanks to information from the folks at TiqIQ, we find that this year's average ticket price for the ALCS is way below what Red Sox fans had to pay last year. As the chart from TiqIQ shows, the average ticket price at Fenway Park for the 2013 ALCS was a whopping $679—compared with this year's average tickets at Camden Yards ($494) and Kauffman Stadium ($426). While both of this year's entries are in the top four over the last five years, they pale in comparison to the outrageous costs to see an ALCS game at America's Most Cramped Ballpark. Amazingly, last year's average ALCS ticket at Comerica Park was only $188—$491 less than at Fenway! Even the 2012 Yankees only charged an average of $451 for an ALCS ticket at the billion-dollar Concrete Bunker On 161st Street. You have to wonder why tickets at Fenway are so ridiculously high—it can't just be the extra demand chasing fewer seats.