Sunday, September 28, 2014
Join In On The FINAL '14 Dalton Jones Reading
As the 2014 season ends, all of our readers can "weigh in" on the FINAL State Of The Carmine Hose through our exclusive Dalton Jones Industrial Average Index. The DJIA (honoring the Red Sox all-time pinch-hit leader) gathers four
key metrics each month using a simple "0" to "10" confidence scale on: starting pitching, relief pitching, overall offense and overall defense. Each month, FN readers—through a simple one-page survey tool—can assess the fortunes of the team. FenwayNation will publish the Final 2014 DJIA Index Score in the next few days. We invite all of our readers to complete
the quick survey, then simply hit "done", which automatically (and
anonymously) sends the form to FenwayNation. Here is the survey link for the FINAL September 2014 reading: DJIA SURVEY LINK (Please complete and send by Tuesday, September 30th).