Monday, April 7, 2014
White House Displeased With Papi's Selfie
Apparently, we have not heard the end of The Selfie Heard 'Round The World. White House lawyers are not happy about the David Ortiz-President Obama selfie being exploited for commercial reasons by Samsung. Reportedly, the company is going to get a talking to from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Said senior Obama adviser Dan Pfeiffer, "...perhaps maybe this will be the end of all selfies. But in general, whenever someone tries to use the president's likeness to promote a product, that's a problem with the White House." Big Papi offered this retort, "I got no comment on that. I mean, I'm just a guy that I got signed by Samsung in the offseason. Not too much I can say about it. I'm trying to focus on baseball right now, and just move on. Samsung has a lot of money and the White House has a lot of money, too. They'll be cool with each other." Right.