Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Torre To Fine Farrell For Instant Replay Remarks
It's fair to say that the new MLB Instant Replay System is not exactly a rousing success in its first two weeks. So far, two managers have been ejected (John Farrell and Ron Washington) for arguing a review decision. Now, MLB’s executive VP of baseball operations, Joe Torre, have levied a fine on Farrell for his "comments" about replay. Specifically, the Red Sox skipper made the following obviously true statement, "..it’s hard to have any faith in the system." Duh. No kidding. But, in the delusional world of Papa Selig and his minions, challenging replay orthodoxy is a no-no. After we fully supported the implementation of the replay system, we're having second thoughts. We're starting to come around to the view of former Red Sox infielder Lou Merloni, who favors using the system only on fair/foul and HR calls—as God intended it.