We have a winner!
Barb Drake
Charlottetown, PE, Canada
Correct answer: 1903.
Thanks to the good folks at
A&E Networks Home Entertainment, FenwayNation is giving away DVD copies of
"Fall Classic At Fenway Park". This is all to celebrate a new season of digital downloads from MLB and iTunes! Allowing fans to watch everything from their favorite teams and players to some of the greatest moments in Major League Baseball history anywhere a smart phone or tablet can go, MLB's digital downloads have never been easier to attain. Until April 15th, simply visit
www.iTunes.com/MLB to purchase any of the specially-priced programs, including:
Fenway Park Centennial-100 years as the Heart of Red Sox Nation and
Major League Baseball Official World Series Films, 1943-2013.
Last year, the Red Sox never lost more than three games in a row. In the 113-year history of the franchise, this feat was achieved only one other time. Name the year.
The first correct answer submitted via email to: fenwaynation@comcast.net will win a copy of the DVD!
NOTE: If you have won a FenwayNation-sponsored contest in the last 12 months, please let someone else win.