(Al Bello/Getty Images) |
In a classic case of asking for more than you really want,
David Ortiz is now saying that he only wants a one-year (not multi-year) extension of his contract. Ortiz is signed for $15 million for the 2014 season. In an interview with
WEEI.com's Rob Bradford, Ortiz said,
“I’ve got a contract for this year. I was asking for a one-year extension for next year. We had a conversation, they’re outlining what they plan on doing and they’re going to come back to me with their answer at some point. Everything is going well. We had a great conversation. They are happy about what we talked about. I don’t even know why people are spreading bad rumors.” Of course, the "bad rumors" came directly out of his Sunday night interview with
WBZ-TV's Steve Burton. In any event, it looks like Papi's strategy has worked and
John Henry will eventually give in and tack on the extra year. Count on it.