(Photo by Jared Wickerham/Getty Images) |
Red Sox CEO
Larry Lucchino—appearing at the premiere of the World Series film—made it clear that the team will not "fall in love" with veterans on the roster. Clearly, this is a signal to
The Nation that there will be significant roster changes from the team that won the 2013 World Championship. Using his ever colorful prose, Lucchino made a curious transportation reference, "
I learned a long time ago you can’t fall in love with your veterans. That’s not the way to run a railroad. We’re not going to be a stand-pat team. That’s not the way we’re going to run the railroad here. I think that’s a losing proposition. Every year [a team] has got to have its own personality. Every year will have a different personality, and by personality, I mean composition, not just personality." And in case you think Boston will sacrifice some future prospects in a big free-agent signing, take this to the bank,
"We still value draft picks enormously."