Kenmore After '75 WS Loss (Bob Dean Photo) |
Last night's sloppy loss in Game Two of the
World Series brought back ugly memories of a ball that was held onto too long (1946) and another that trickled through a pair of legs (1986). This time it was a ball
not held onto and the same white spheroid sailing over the head of a Boston player into the cold Fenway night. The 4-2 loss broke a nine-game World Series winning streak—and pierced the seemingly invincible armor we expect our heroes to be clad with. So, what if epic failure is once again our World Series fate? Will we regress into the depressing womb of angst that shrouded us for 86 years? Or will we just shrug it off and look to next year's parade of Xanders and Wills and Jackies? Don't ask—
let's just win and not have to worry about confronting old demons.