Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Red Sox Were '5 Groups To 5 Hospitals' In April
Manager John Farrell revealed some interesting details about the actions of Red Sox players in the aftermath of the terrorist attack on the Boston Marathon. After playing their traditional Patriots Day morning game, the team had flown off to Cleveland before the bombings occurred. They asked their clubhouse manager to fashion the iconic 'Boston Strong 617' uniform jersey, which they hung in road dugouts throughout the year. But it was their behavior when they returned to Boston that says a lot about this bunch of bearded ballplayers. On their own—without the usual assistance of the team PR staff—they organized themselves into five groups to visit the five hospitals treating victims of the attack. A far cry from the '25 cabs for 25 players' mantra of old, they pro-actively banded together to help those most in need in our community. Said Jonny Gomes, "I'm just so fortunate that I'm in a position where I have a profession that I can do that to people. But, at the same time, you've got to remember the four people that aren't able to come to a game again and their families and their legends they left behind. We know that in the back of our head there's four angels up above pulling for us." No matter what happens in the World Series, this group of players will always have a special place in the city's heart.