The Extent Of Our ALCS 'Flyover'? |
So far we've managed to survive as a nation without the
PandaCam at the National Zoo, but can we withstand an ALCS opener without a military flyover? With the government shutdown continuing, there's a good chance there will
not be a Stealth Bomber cruising over Fenway on Saturday night. So what to do? One alternative is to marshall as many traffic helicopters as possible from local TV stations and have them hover over the park in a kind of
Fenway Flotilla. Or, we could convince the various blimp companies (
DIRECTV) to join together in a
wicked slow 'flyover' that might actually delay the game more than multiple visits to the mound. Where is
Bud Selig when we need him to break the Washington stalemate and give us our flyover? How long, Mr. Speaker,
how long must baseball fans suffer?