(Photo: Bob Stanton, USA TODAY Sports) |
Former Red Sox infielder
Jed Lowrie is a smart guy—he went to Stanford, after all. So, he knows when something's not quite right. When sewage seeped into the dugouts yesterday at the Oakland Coliseum
during a game,
Lowrie had it all scoped out,
"There’s no carpet down there [in the dugout], so it’s a little bit better, but it’s still pretty gross. It’s kind of repulsive, honestly." Anyone who's been unfortunate enough to have attended a ballgame at the Coliseum knows it looks more like a correctional facility with grass. Barbed wire—
literally—welcomes you as you leave the BART station and head toward the stands. When you add in raw sewage to this delightful mix, a stadium that looks like a wretched "old factory" becomes more "olfactory".