Off To The 'Left Coast' (FenwayNation Photo) |
Your 2013 Carmine Hose have 36 games left to play,
and they are still in first place. That's the most important fact to consider on this beautiful August 19th morning. Forget that they blew a 6-3 lead last night against the Empire. No one—including your humble scribe—thought they'd be sniffing
third place in mid-August, so let's keep this in perspective. Boston heads out this morning on a six-game West Coast swing to face the Giants and the Dodgers. So, counting the last three days, they will play nine straight games against teams that have been—
either in the past or the present—associated with New York. Pardon us, it's just the demented way we think. In any event, the next six tilts will be a major challenge for the Red Sox—first, because San Francisco is not as bad as their record shows (especially at AT&T); and second, because the Los Angeles Dodgers Of Los Angeles (AKA
The Rejuvenated 2012 Red Sox) are the hottest team in baseball. We will know a lot more about this team's chances after they emerge from La-La Land
next Monday morning.