ESPN New York is reporting that disgraced
Biogenesis honcho
Tony Bosch asked
Alex Rodriguez for financial "help" back in March after Major League Baseball filed a lawsuit against the "wellness clinic" owner. In a rare moment of moral clarity (but more likely self-preservation),
The Fraudulent One refused to pay the "hundreds of thousands" of dollars Bosch asked. Now, Bosch is dropping a dime on A-Rod and 19 other players—you can connect the dots for yourself. Meanwhile, Rodriguez is 'lawyering up' in anticipation of appealing a reported 100-game suspension to be handed down by MLB. He has re-hired Pittsburgh attorney
Jay Reisinger—the "counselor" who got him off in the Toronto drug-smuggling doctor case. In a touching moment in the Empire clubhouse, both
Mariano Rivera and
CC Sabathia expressed support for
The Incipid Centaur. Said CC,
"I think there would be nothing but love and support in here." Isn't that special?