Theo's Negotiating Tool |
An unusual little sidelight emerged from an interview
Theo Epstein gave recently to
WEEI's Hot Stove show. In the midst of discussing the
Mike 'What Is Hip?' Napoli negotiating snafus, Epstein made reference to similar problems with
J. D. Drew's contract before the 2007 season. The Red Sox had concerns about the right-fielder's shoulder that required "protective language" in the proposed 5-year contract. Things got nasty and lingered through the holiday season—not unlike the Napoli soap opera. Apparently, things got so tense, that
Epstein sent flowers to Drew's wife and apologized for the protracted process. As Theo points out, Boston went on to win the World Series—helped by Drew's signature contribution in Carmine Hose—a first-inning grand slam off
Fausto Carmona (AKA
Roberto Hernandez) in game six of the ALCS.