Monday, October 15, 2012

José Feliciano Not Wishing Sox A Merry Xmas

After delivering his rendition of the National Anthem at yesterday's NLCS, singing legend José Feliciano let it rip on the Red Sox. Said Feliciano:

"Boston royally screwed up this year, by trading their whole club away. The Dodgers need to say, 'Listen, Josh, we want you to pitch for us. We don't want any of your antics. Just pitch. That's what you do best.' It's like me and my music. People don't want me giving opinions. They want me to play music."

Uh, exactly, José. Frankly, we don't really care what you think about our Carmine Hose. But, in the spirit of the upcoming season, we wish you a "Feliz Navidad" anyway.