Wednesday, September 5, 2012
MLB To Change September Roster Rules In 2013
According to multiple sources, Major League Baseball will change its idiotic September roster expansion rules in 2013. Currently, after playing five months with a rigid 25-man roster, teams are allowed to balloon that number to 40 in September. This leads to wacky scenarios where batters actually face five different pitchers in five at-bats. The kookiness can directly impact pennant races. Finally, it appears that Bud Selig is ready to alter the September call-up rules next year. Reports suggest that September rosters will be capped at 30—the 25-man roster as of August 31st, plus up to five call-ups. Teams would need to specify exactly which 30 players would be active on a given night. This kind of resembles the 'taxi squad' concept used in other sports. If it really does happen, it will be a welcome change.