Monday, August 13, 2012

The Great Bob Ryan Retires From The Globe

Bob Ryan Through The Decades
Over the last several decades, there has been exactly one reason to spend your hard earned cash on a copy of The Boston Globe: Bob Ryan (OK, maybe George Frazier, too). He is—by a country mile—the best sportswriter in Boston (and arguably, the country). Ryan began his Boston career covering the Boston Celtics and was the ultimate font of knowledge on the Green for a generation of readers. His prose is (and always has been) direct, articulate and thoughtful. You always come away from a Ryan column with knowledge. Where can you get that from today's sportswriter corps? The explosion of 'The World-Wide Leader' has allowed the rest of America to appreciate the sports genius that is Bob Ryan. His many appearances on The Sports Reporters and other ESPN programming has catapulted him to cult status nationwide. But, honestly, I never wanted to share him with America. Despite his New Jersey twang, he is quintessentially Boston. Always will be. Now, he has retired from the Globe. Thankfully, he will still be around sharing his wisdom, but on a little less frequent basis. We will miss that. Long may he write.