Thursday, August 23, 2012

Larry Lucchino: 'We See The Same Standings'

Cassidy Bumped Lucchino
After being bumped from his normal time slot by David Cassidy (yes, the Keith Partridge—see pic), Red Sox President and CEO Larry Lucchino appeared on WEEI's Dennis & Callahan Morning Show today. When pushed to admit that the 2012 season was a gonner, Lucchino was as honest as he could be, stating: "We see the same standings that fans do". He, of course, had to also go through the motions by saying that the team is committed to both 2012 and a better 2013. Right. He also refused to commit one way or another to Bobby Valentine's status as manager in 2013. While we appreciate the dance Larry has to do in these settings, it would be nice if the NOG treated their real (sans pinkage) fans as adults.  Long before you were here, Larry, we grudgingly accepted mediocrity for decades. We can handle it.