Tuesday, August 7, 2012

John Henry Expresses Confidence In Bobby V.

"This is a 365-day-a-year sport for us."
Wow. The NOG must have gotten wind of all the polls in The Nation (including ours) showing solid support for firing Bobby Valentine. Yesterday, John Henry hopped across the pond to favor us with a "vote of confidence" for Bobby V. In a typically loquacious email to beat reporters, Henry did his best 'Kabuke Dance' in propping up his under-performing manager and team. He tried to counter the perception that Bobby V. has been emasculated by ownership. Says Henry:

"We have been nothing but supportive of him inside and outside of the clubhouse."

And how about the NOG's preoccupation with foreign soccer and hillbilly car racing?:

"And the notion that we are not present and not attending games is misleading to the public. Tom, Larry and I seldom miss home games."

It's unclear whether he meant Liverpool home games or not.

For his part, Bobby V. returned the "kiss in the e-mail" from ownership:

"If our record was better they wouldn't have had to do it. Totally appreciate it, though."

So, sweetness and light reign supreme in the realm of the Carmine Hose. Sleep better, Nation.