LL Addresses The Nation |
In a mid-season "Keep The Faith" e-mail to season ticket holders,
Red Sox CEO Larry Lucchino tried to dispel any notions that 2012 is another lost, truncated season. Using a refreshingly blunt tone—one which Lucchino is a master at—he asked fans to look to a second half with the "varsity" (Ellsbury, Crawford, Bailey, Pedroia) back on the field. Referring to the team's first-half play as at times "maddening", Lucchino also strongly hinted that the Carmine Hose will be active at the Trade Deadline. As he put it:
"If someone can further help this club, and if the deal makes sense, we will be aggressive. We want to play October Baseball this year."
While at times the e-mail is laughably Pollyanna-like in tone ("Personalities are enhancing the chemistry, such as the cheerful Cody Ross, the friendly Mike Aviles..."), we should give credit to Larry for confronting the issues head-on and letting the ever-more-restless fan base know what the NOG is thinking. It beats silence.